Kulupa Mkindlanyana

Project Manager

Kulupa Mkindlanyana is a project manager supporting the implementation of the Scaling Urban Nature-based Solutions for Climate Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SUNCASA) project in Johannesburg, South Africa. This project aims to restore the Jukskei River catchment to reduce flood risk and increase water quality—thereby making over a million people more resilient to climate change.

Kulupa is an experienced project manager and program coordinator. Before joining IISD, she worked with Save the Children’s South Africa division and the country’s Grow Educare Centres.

Kulupa has a bachelor’s degree in life and environmental science from the University of Johannesburg and an honours in psychology from the University of South Africa. She is based in South Africa and speaks IsiXhosa, English, and Isi Zulu.

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Staff type
B Hons, Psychology, University of South Africa, 2019
BSc, Life and environmental science, University of Johannesburg, 2011
Languages spoken
IsiXhosa, English, and Isi Zulu.